
您的意见和关切对万博买球世界杯很重要. To contact 采用医疗 about any issue of concern, call 912-367-9841, ext. 3503. 万博买球世界杯的地址是P.O. 第2070栏,163 E. Tollison圣.佐治亚州巴克斯利31515号.

请注意: 门诊程序的安排和批准, contact Central Scheduling at (phone) 912-366-6002 or (fax) 912-367-1200.

We want to hear from you regarding your satisfaction with our care and services, 以及改进的建议. 帮助万博买球世界杯衡量万博买球世界杯的努力, 万博买球世界杯在病人住院后对他们进行随访, 如果万博买球世界杯通过邮件联系你, we hope you will take a moment to respond to our survey questions (provided by NRC Picker). 您的意见将帮助万博买球世界杯改进万博买球世界杯提供护理的方式. 万博买球世界杯也欢迎并鼓励您随时提出意见. All information is used to support our efforts to continually improve the quality of your care and safety.

We encourage you to call us to share your concerns at (912) 367-9841, ext. 3503.

如果万博买球世界杯不能解决你的问题, we encourage you to contact the Georgia Department of Community Health, 桃树街二号, 西北亚特兰大, ga30303(404-657-5726或800-878-6442).