

采用医疗’s patients reserve the right to have family and visitors during their hospital stay. apple Healthcare不会基于诊断拒绝任何患者的此权利. 病人和访客必须遵守医院的政策,如下所述.

The purpose of this policy is to promote adequate opportunity for patient and family interaction, 为双方提供情感支持和安慰, and minimize significant interruptions in patient care activities during the day.

这项政策适用于急诊科, 外科单位, 重症监护病区, 长者护理组(SCU), 门诊和农村卫生诊所.

  1. 游客不允许在公共场所聚集, 比如大厅, 等候区, 护士站, 或者拜访其他病人或员工.
  2. Visitors must remain in the room of the patient while they are visiting until visiting hours are over or when the visitor(s) are ready to leave the facility.
  3. 病人 in isolation may require restrictions for visitation including limiting the number of visitors per day to one (1).
  4. Those who are visiting patients in isolation will be required to wear all necessary PPE while in the patient’s room.
  5. 将教育参观者如何正确地穿戴和脱下个人防护装备.
  6. 在传染病爆发期间,可能会对访客进行症状筛查, 必须佩戴特定的个人防护装备, and may be denied entry if uncooperative with hospital policies and procedures.


  • One adult visitor or support person may accompany a patient in the 急诊科.
  • 两名家长可以陪伴儿科患者. If parents are not present one caregiver over the age of 18 may accompany the patient.
  • 一名健康的医疗决策者与成年患者 who are unable to make decisions regarding care.
  • 18岁以下的游客必须由成人全程陪同.
  • These are subject to change at the discretion of the ED Charge Nurse or physician during emergent situations or unforeseen changes in patient’s condition.


  • 探视时间为每天早上8点至晚上8点
  • 允许两名健康的成年游客参观.
  • Visitors under the age of 18 may visit with permission from the charge nurse and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Visitation may be limited due to the patient’s condition and at the discretion of the charge nurse or nurse manager.


  • Visiting hours are from 10:00am – 12:00pm, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, 7:00pm – 8:00pm daily
  • 允许两名健康成人游客(18岁以上)参观.
  • 18岁以下的访客不得入内
  • 这些都可能在护士经理的自由裁量权下改变, ICU护士, 或医生根据可能出现的不可预见的病人护理情况.


  • Visitation to our Senior Care Unit is scheduled through the unit Social Worker.


  • 两名健康的父母或照顾者与一名儿科患者.
  • 一名健康的医疗决策者与成年患者.
  • One healthy caregiver for patients who are unable to walk or move about without assistance.


  • 一些同情关怀的例外情况可能会根据具体情况而定, 经单位经理或初级保健医生批准.
  • 可在情有可原的情况下给予例外, 比如临终关怀, 然而, 参观人数应受到限制.

在所有领域, visitation may be limited or visiting hours may change during times of Influenza or other contagious outbreaks.

官方文件NMRNURPG0037(2024年1月26日修订)如下: 2024年访客政策